> Nadeau

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Shouting on-air about it for 2-plus years

by Tom Nadeau

LToBS readers, both of you, surely remember that we have been predicting for the last two years that there will probably be no national election in 2008 election. Either it will be canceled outright, or cleverly7 postponed forever for some pretended “national security” reason.

Now, some commentators on the left edge f the mainstream are beginning to voice the same concern. Geov Parrish is one. He writes:
In the waning days of 2005, a number of Beltway developments have pointed to 2006 as a pivotal year in the future -- if there is to be any -- of American democracy.

The most far-reaching of these has been the Bush administration's aggressive advocacy of its once-secret program of NSA spying on American citizens. No lawyer outside a small clique of Bush appointees has seriously defended the NSA program, already renewed 30 times by Bush, as legal. Indeed, the only way that it can possibly not be construed as a blatant, ongoing violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (note the key word: Foreign) is if the President has the authority, as Commander-in-Chief, to suspend or override any law. And this is precisely the claim George Bush is making.

Combine this with the fact that Bush and his cabal have also claimed that their so-called "War on Terror" -- the Dubya-launched war Bush is referring to when he calls himself a "wartime president" -- is one they expect, and presumably intend, to last for up to 100 years. In other words, what Bush is claiming is that for the next several generations, the rule of law and the Constitution need not apply. Bush is thus claiming the right as "wartime president" to do anything he likes. Anything. Hey, why not disband Congress? (There'd probably be a lot of public support for that one.) Why not suspend the 2008 election?

This is deeply alarming.
He goes to say that the public, that is to say, the voters, should act quickly to save the Republic.

Even as he calls the voters to quarters, Parrish mentions it may, er, be too late.
“And more and more Americans are wondering whether the voting machines are rigged,” he writes.

Dan and I have been – not “wondering,” but grabbing anyone’s lapels who might listen and saying, screaming and shouting, “Honest elections (if there were any) are over.”
We’ve been doing this since 2000, which was two elections ago.

If ever there was a barn door that needed closing then, not now, this was it.
It’s going to take more – much more – than a big turnout of League of Women voters to savethe democracy from this constitutional crisis.


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