> Nadeau

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mourners recall famous prosecutor

Memorial services for G. Dave Teja were heavily attended Wednesday with the assemblage of family and friends, prosecutors, defense attorneys and cops representing his seven decades of life and service in Sutter County.


SEP candidate on collapse of corporate capitalism

Nick Beams outlines the socialist response to growing social inequality, militarism and war and environmental destruction and opposes the reactionary nationalist campaign for “border protection” and “sustainable population” launched by the major parties, including the Greens.


They know who you are

Kevin Drum reports: Last week the WSJ ran a terrific series of stories called “What They Know.” The general subject was personal privacy—or the lack of it—in the digital world, and the first article in the series explained how websites routinely track your movements on the web and collect a genuinely astonishing amount of personal information about you in the process. The Journal examined 50 sites using a test computer and discovered that these sites collectively installed a total of 3,180 tracking files—an average of 63 tracking files per site. The state of the art is growing increasingly intrusive, the Journal found.



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